Has there been an activity you have been dying to experience? Were you curious to know if you would have the strength to do it? Or worse still, perhaps you were simply too terrified to try?
My whole life has been jumping into opportunities that most have said, “Are you crazy? How do you think that is fun? People don’t do that, especially girls.
I don’t mean to swear, but did you ever realize that your brain is ****** up? (said with genuine care and laughter, haha). ” :-)
I haven’t allowed myself to internalize those statements since I am jumping into another journey in my life.
I am about to undertake a new challenge and become the First Female to take on the MotoDreamer Adventure Motorcycle Challenge of the Trans-Amazonian highway expedition, visiting Seven South American Countries in 52-Days!
(Around 8,000-9,000 miles.)
Many have asked me, “Why would you do that?” My reply is, “Why Not???”
This trip was inspired by a good friend who passed away, Ken Waigand. He spent many years on a motorcycle, and I will experience it over the next two months. My initial reason was to ride as a memorial to my friend.
When I am supposed to accomplish this challenge on October 1st, it will mark the last breath he took two years ago.
May I explain further my ‘why not’ response to this adventure, “There is no other option than to ride in honor of my friend’s life. It was his next trip, and he gave me a beautiful gift, entrusting me to be calm and peaceful support while he passed into the next phase, letting go of this physical existence as we know it.”
Many may follow this challenge I am taking as adventurous, fun, badass, etc., but now you know for me, it is all over those along with a…….
Deep Gratitude of Love for Honoring Life.
Music has been a prominent form of expression in my life. Beethoven's famous Moonlight Sonata theme comes from his love for a young woman. I had the privilege to compose and arrange this inspired music for full orchestra and piano while sitting next to my friend during his last days.
You will hear and see the raw emotion which was inspired by my real event of deep love for life and honor to have crossed paths in this life with Ken Waigand.
I would encourage you not to miss a moment to share with those you care about while you have the chance in this human existence.
It may seem vulnerable sometimes, but a simple phone call, in-person visit, or message will make more of an impact than you know.
During the next two months in remote areas of South America, I will do my best to update our weekly journey through blog and video posts.
I am confident this will be a great experience, accompanied by a great team of riders. We are ready to make this happen!